Family, or Individual health insurance is also commonly known as Personal Health insurance or Private Health Insurance. This is the type of policy you would purchase for yourself and your family if your employer does not provide insurance benefits to its employees, or if you are in need of supplemental insurance coverage. Once a person turns 65, they become eligible for Medicare and Medicare Health Plans. These types of plans typically have some sort of co-pay or deductible depending on the purchased coverage, and the service needed.
Whether you or one of your loved ones is suffering from strep throat, a skin rash, a sprained ankle or a broken arm, health insurance coverage is necessary to avoid extravagant medical costs associated with treatment and to ensure you get treatment when you need it. At Floyd Watkins & Associates, we understand the necessity and importance of health insurance, and we want to help you make the best choice for you and your family. Knowing you have the appropriate health insurance coverage to fit your family’s needs can provide peace of mind in your day to day life. Protect you and your loved ones today by purchasing individual and family health insurance.
- Self-employed persons
- Students
- Persons with employers that do not offer health insurance
- Persons in need of supplemental insurance
- General physician visits
- Urgent Care visits
- Emergency room visits
- Prescriptions
- Ambulance or emergency transportation services
- Major medical visits
- Physical therapy
With all the different insurance plans and companies to choose from, we understand that choosing the right coverage can be confusing and frustrating. We welcome any questions, comments and concerns as our top priority is to provide you with the best customer service possible to by means of giving you all the information you may need to make the best choice for you and your family. Please do not hesitate to contact us; we are here to serve you.