Individual Disability Insurance protects you and your loved ones in the case that you experience an event that leaves you unable to work. Life is full of many unexpected occurrences, including car accidents, psychological disturbances, unexpected illnesses, and on the job injuries that can leave you without a paycheck.
As much as we would all like to think that we will not encounter a disability in our lifetime, the reality is that we are all vulnerable to unfortunate situations. Dealing with an unexpected disability can cause a great deal of stress and strife; fortunately you have the convenience of partnering with Floyd Watkins & Associates to protect your financial security with Individual Disability Income Insurance today. With the many financial responsibilities you have, the opportunity to protect your income can give you peace of mind in your day to day life.
Instead of draining your savings, in the case that you cannot work, this insurance with provide you with a monthly stipend to cover your living expenses. Even if you have disability income insurance through your employer, chances are it will only cover a small portion of your salary. With this insurance you have the option to protect up to 100% of your income in the event that you encounter a disability. Protect yourself and your loved ones today by purchasing financial safety in the form of Individual Disability Income Insurance.
- Mortgage
- Gas
- Food
- Electric
- Car payment
- Car insurance
- Life insurance
- Piano lessons
- Internet
- Telephone
- Water
- Sewer
- Garbage
- Retirement fund
- and Moreā¦
Please call or email for your free, no obligation Individual Disability Income Insurance quote. We offer many different insurance options to fit your specific needs. We also welcome any questions, comments or concerns. Give us a call; we are here to help ensure a healthy and happy future for you and your family.